Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Breaking the Detox Day 3

Today I have not lost anymore weight. Hanging steady at 219. (actually lost .4 of a pound, from .8 to .4). I had oatmeal today! It was yummy and filling! I only managed 1/2 of it and then had the other 1/2 at lunch with my veggies. I really enjoyed it. I put Cinnamon and vanilla in it. It was so nice and warm and starchy. I brought a pear for my afternoon snack. It was the juiciest pear I have ever had. It was so sweet and I enjoyed every bite. I feel like I have never really appreciated food before.
Tomorrow is uneventful. I add essential oils back in, I think that means I can start taking my vitamins and supplements again including my essential fish oils. Then I get to add chicken on Friday! WOOT!
I'm still feeling good, except today my knees hurt. I am not sure if it is the weather or if it is another detox symptom, since I've been running, maybe I released some toxins and I'm feeling it now?
The colon cleansing is going much better today. I think having some solids in my system may have helped, since I'm getting a little more warning when a movement is coming. :)
Onward to day 4 of the rest of my life!

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At 5:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been so inspired by your web site and all your comments. I am on day 6 and already I want it to be over with. But from reading your blogs I can see that it can actually be achieved. You have really helped me keep on track and continue with the program. Here is my web site - I'm hoping that by writing about the diet each day it will help me keep on track and stay focused for my goals. You are a great success story - way to go! Kate

At 5:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have been extremely inspired by what you're doing. I bought the book yesterday and am waiting to feel ready to start. I remember you mentioning that you didn't buy the MV supplies but found everything on your own. Could you list (or email me) the things you had to purchase and the website you bought them from? I'm a bit confused about everything I will need, and the (few) recipes in the book don't seem that great. Here's my email...thanks! Keep up the good work!

At 8:18 PM , Blogger trishd said...

I too am thinking of starting the detox. i bought the bk but was somewhat dissappointed with it. I was really hoping for/needing for it to spell it out in black n white what to buy, what to make and when to take it all. If you could supply a list of what i need to buy i would greatly appreciate it. If you have the time-THANKS! And great job by the way! it must feel great. Mt email is thanks again!

At 1:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed your posts the last couple of days. Ya know you are human!!! LOL was wondering how things were going for you transitioning back to eating solids, the good, bad and the ugly if any. My detox ends this Tuesday the 7th and then I start on the 8th breaking the detox. Wondered if you experienced any weight gain doing that. I haven't had the kind of loss you experienced I am hovering between 14-16 lb weight loss for the last 5 days, I've plateaued it seems and unless something miraculous happens within the next few days; I'll be surprised if I make the 21-lbs. I've been faithful so far, and boy it sure has been trying. I started at 162lbs and am down to 146-148lbs back and forth, back and forth. I'm only 5'1, so guess we'll see what happens. Atleast these gave me a jump start that I needed :) Take care, and please post again!! Even if you had pizza or whatever would love to know what the effects are. Thanks so much for your posts, before I go to bed I check your blog, wondering what "chicky" has posted today. I've definitely missed your posts, I hope all is well with you and your family!

At 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trishd and Anonymous-- I purchased my kit off ebay for about $149 that included the book, you can get the kit without the book for about $129, which has the basics. You'll have to visit your local health food store to get enzymes, aloe vera juice, and other items.

At 3:37 PM , Blogger Frances said...

Hi, I brought the book and I am starting tomorrow 7/13/07. I am reading all your 411. If you can help me out a little I would appricate it. I also through that it was going to be an easy read but I am also confused. I brought a few stuff plus a good juicer. My really big problem is the organic fruits and veggies. They sell some at walmart and the other stores I looked up on the internet are 100 miles away. What such I do about that? Any help would be gratefully appricated.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger Bobbie said...

I have been on the detox for two days and have been hungry and hav had heartburn the whole time. Any suggestions?? Anyone??? Bobbie

At 9:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have been extreemely inspired by what you're doing. I bought the 7 piece detox kit with book & chocolate shake. if you can help me with how to do the meals,the soups and do I stop taken my med, and do i have to have a chi machine, in order to be successful at the detox. please Kate if you can help me get started it would be a great help. Here's my email...thanks! great job keep it up!

At 11:00 AM , Blogger ahmed deraz said...

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