Sunday, July 29, 2007

Detox Day 21 of 21 pounds in 21 days

Wow, can you believe it! It's here, the last day completed. I feel great! I'm proud that I made it through the entire thing without cheating. I'm glad to be a success story without doing the colonics or body wraps. I feel like I've done some great things for my body and my mental relationship with food. I feel like I can develop a new lifestyle with food and continue to loose weight and become more healthy.
Today I had that BBQ to go to so we did our walk early in the day in the blazing 100+ temps at 2pm...ugh...and yes, just a walk, we did attempt to run twice but I couldn't do it. I pre-made my supplement for dinner and brought a sports bottle of distilled water and wha la! I was ok. The food smelt great and I really enjoyed smelling it! It wasn't torture, I just enjoyed the way it smelled. I don't know if that makes sense. I even asked my husband to smell his cream cheese salsa dip cause it really smelt great. I could almost taste it. lol So successfully made it through my busy weekend! Plus I made brownies and pasta salad to bring to the about great smells!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is day 1 of breaking the detox. I'll probably post those experiences as well, I expect that I will have a few stomach aches. I bought a cucumber, green pepper and carrots for my small cup of raw vegetables. So I am planning on doing my normal day, and doing my protein shake in the evening instead of the soup. I'm real excited for Tuesday cause I get to eat some fruit! :D
My total weight loss up to today is 26lbs. I will do measurements on and photos of before and after and post them up on Tuesday, don't ask me why it's just that Tuesday became the day my husband and I did our measurement for the stretching program we are doing.
Thanks to all of your supportive comments. I hope you all know how much it meant to me and how many times I read all of the comments to keep me motivate.


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At 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOOD FOR YOU! I have been a silent reader for 21 days, and have enjoyed your honest observations. You are totally
inspiring! Congratulations on your weight loss, and may it be
the beginning of a healthy new way
of eating for you.

At 9:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! you are a true inspiration. your blogs are funny and honest. you are a great writer! please continue to update us on breaking the fast and your continued weight loss. good luck with everything!!!

At 6:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job! I hope you will continue to post, though. I think many of us are interested to see what happens after you go back to regular food and cease the enemas.
Maybe just once a week? Congrats and best wishes!

At 8:13 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey wow that's great keep the pic's coming and keep that state of mind of wanting to be healthy. I Thank you alot for pulling through I know that there are many that have falied and wish that they have the will power like you but you also give is the inspiration to try again so keep up the good work and due the detox break and keep showing the pic's.

At 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I also have been reading your posts every day and hope you keep posting so we can all follow your success achieving healthy lifestyle and weight loss. You have such strong will-power. YOu are amazing!

At 7:40 PM , Blogger Sonya M. said...

Congrats! YOu have been very inspirational... thanks SO MUCH for posting your progress. I have linked to you on my blog, , so that other people can see what got me so motivated.

In the past I have left you comments as anonymous, but I got myself a blog so that I can post my progress too.

Again, congratulations, and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

At 11:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...hellooo i was reallly tring to wrap my head around the innner cleaser... the garden greens 24 hour one...

the container of the profuct says you have 9tablets a day! (3tablet twice a day) but in the book the shedule says you have a inner cleanser of twice a day..

soo really i would like to know what you did, and how you took it, (day time pills, night time pill geeez)

you could message me straight to my email... cuz i dont really know if this site uses a message system of not lol

At 9:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

im confused with the you take day stuff 3 times ...then night stuff 1 time....or do you take day stuff 2 times and night one.....anyone else out there confused....also does anyone know if just doing the powders is o.k., or do you have to fresh juice too.......

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

would be nice if we had a chat line...anyone know anything about that....

At 8:17 AM , Blogger chickycola said...

There is a chat area about this. It is a google group I started last year here is the URL:

Also there should be a link to the side of this blog to it. Please feel free to join, there is tons of helpful info there PLUS an on going community of people starting and at various stages of the program.
Good Luck!

At 7:28 AM , Blogger Leelynnslivelihood said...

Detox Products
I'm about ready to begin this journey to a new cleansed health...however, before I get started I wanted to know others thoughts/opinions of the "official detox products" offered on site?

I've found similar items elsewhere online, however I want to maximize this detox & be sure that I could have the same/similar result rather than to drop another $215 on product.

All advice, suggestions & information is welcome & much needed.


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