Daycare dilemmas
Well, I finally switched daycares. I put Will, my 15 month old, into a new daycare 01/15/2007. This one promises structure, education, they supply diapers, wipes AND a change of clothes. The bonus was they were even $10 a week less then what I was paying.I was also excited because I would be moving my child to environment that I thought would be more nurturing and to my snobbish credit, a better quality..., class??, of people. What I mean is that most of the parents that are going to this place were professionals. And the only reason I even noticed this was because were I was taking my son, I would be stepping over McDonald's wrappers in the parking lot as I walked passed the teen/twenty-ish workers and parents smoking out in front of the center.
Anyway, much to my horror the first day of care at the new center, I received two notices that my son BIT another child! the second day I received another notice, the fourth day, I received 4!! In total his first week at the new center I received 8 notices. I had never received any notice before, even at the older daycare. This week we have made it to Wednesday and I have received a total of 3 notices (2 on Monday and 1 on Wednesday). An improvement, I hope. However the owner is talking about kicking us out. It makes me so frustrated! We just started there, we are going through transition, having to deal with new center, new teacher, new kids...and this week his teacher had vacation and he has another teacher. I feel the poor kid is not being set up for success. I also am feeling extreme anxiety between talking to the teachers and have them saying it is normal and we will be able to work through this and speaking to the director who is telling me that she will give it a few more days then she will probably give me a notice to find a new place. I just want to quit and take him back to the old daycare! And, I dont, I really like this place. I feel it will be a much better environment if we can get over this hump!